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Psychology Patient



Mental health problems are real. They affect one's thoughts, body, feelings and behavior. They can be severe, seriously interfere with a person's life. Individual therapy is tailored for a client and administered one-on-one. Goals for therapy may be specific (e.g. change in behavior, improved relations with family or friends) or more general (e.g. less anxiety, better self-esteem, etc.).


Individual Therapy with youth uses a variety of activities to establish communication with the therapist and resolve problems. Therapists work with the child to express emotions and problems that would be too difficult to discuss without assistance.

Medication Management
Family therapy is facilitated by a therapist, sometimes with the entire family group and sometimes with individuals. Family therapy helps family members improve their understanding of and the ways in which they respond to one another. This type of therapy can resolve patterns of behavior that might lead to more severe mental illness. It can also help educate individuals about the nature of mental disorders and teach them skills to better cope with the effects of having a family member with a mental illness (e.g. dealing with feelings of anger or guilt).
Couples counseling involves discussion and problem-solving sessions facilitated by a therapist. At times, it may include both partners or sometimes be administered individually. This type of therapy can help couples improve their understanding of each other and the ways in which they respond to one another. It may also resolve patterns of behavior that might lead to more severe mental illness.
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